Saturday, August 31, 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Dear Henri

 Happy birthday to my best friend, and my main reason to live. We’ve been through so much together,, multiple families, and all, together. I remember when you were first born and we were so close even then. And no matter where we lived I was always by your side. I can see you going down the same path that I did when I was your age but I hope you’ll come to me for advice. I’m sorry for hardly talking to you anymore, I know I never leave my room, but you’re always allowed to just come sit. Maybe I don’t want to talk, but you can be there. Please don’t let yourself fall. You’re such a strong kid, and I love you forever.

Friday, August 16, 2024

they have the right attitude

life would be better if we had the personality of a group of 1st graders who have a school production the following night, but there was a sickness spreading through the year level rapidly.

I was in the sick bay all day due to being the disabled cripple I am, and they all came in one by one, throwing up all over the floor.

It was as if they were in a Disney movie, as one of the leads of the play shouted that the show must go on, and all. It really didn’t. But they all had fun for a few hours, pretending it could. Timmy wasn’t even throwin up, but pulled a hammy to join in. Why can’t everyone be like that? 

Thursday, August 15, 2024


 ugh partner sys, if you stalk my blog and shit one more time I'm gonna lose kt. im just want to cut ties with you, leave me alone. seriously. leave my friends alone and be your own person you fooking loser......

Sunday, August 11, 2024

2 months. 10 months.

 (This is coming from the perspective of me, Mallory.) Today I broke I broke with my partner system. I’m so tired of them. They admitted to weird dubcon shit and is just generally so ignoring my boundaries no matter how often I try to speak up about it. When I first formed I was immediently used and abused by someone’s named Rose for a year. Then as I moved schools, they became less of a problem and I haven’t spoken with them since. Then I immediently met this other system. And everything went downhill from there.

We’re the only two special needs kid in our class and therefore share a support teacher so there’s not to really much a i can Do. But I had emailed her yesterday afternoon talking about how I don’t want to be around them as much. And immediently sendt another’s email about to ignore it. It makes me so guilty.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

 so. I did it. I deleted Instagram, tumblr, and all that shit. The algorithm is a piece of shite and I refuse to let it control me anymore.

I couldn't get my tumblr export file into here, so I only tranferred the posts that meant something interesting. Then gave up half way through. I need to update my nekoweb/site and make it nice. I love the themes on blogger as they match my 2000s loser retard weeb aesthetic in a sense. 

Old web revival has always been one of my special interests, and saying 'fuck you' to big corps is a big step for me. RSS feeds have been a new hyperfix of mine, and I think its such a lovely alternative to social media. Horoscopes told me this was a good thing, and I need to manifest my future. 

Ive never been good at that, other then my brief 2 month subliminal phase, but I'm not sure if that's the right point. Anyway.

Lots of love, alter Charm. (she/her)